Phototoxicity and photoallergy.
Department of Dermatology, University of California, San Francisco, USA.
may be phototoxic or photoallergic. Phototoxicity is much more common.
There are 2 types of phototoxicity: photodynamic, which requires oxygen,
and nonphotodynamic, which does not. Reactions induced by porphyrin
molecules, coal tar derivatives, and many drugs are photodynamic. The
reaction induced by psoralens, for the most part, is nonphotodynamic.
Acute phototoxic reactions are characterized by erythema and edema
followed by hyperpigmentation. Long-term ultraviolet phototoxicity
results in chronic sun damage and skin cancer formation. Also, certain
chemicals such as psoralen molecules and coal tar are photocarcinogenic.
Phototoxic reactions to certain drugs produce unusual clinical
patterns, that is lichenoid eruptions, dyschromia, photo-onycholysis,
and pseudoporphyria. Photoallergy is an uncommon acquired altered
reactivity dependent on an immediate antibody or a delayed cell mediated
reaction. Solar urticaria is an example of the former, whereas
photoallergy to exogenous chemicals is an example of the latter.
Photoallergy to systemic drugs does occur but is difficult to
characterize. The action spectrum for photoreactions to exogenous agents
usually at least includes the ultraviolet A rays for both phototoxicity
and photoallergy.
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